Saturday, May 10, 2008
Ros's cactus
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Arrived At Last
Rather like announcing your safe arrival on holiday with a postcard home ,this is my safe arrival postcard to fellow members that I have arrived safely back on the DOT scene after an absence of over 3 years due to mental illness of which I am recovering (hopefully).
Slower than I used to be but twice as keen.I am not ashamed of having a mental illness and it is true there is always a way back through the maze
I will now start posting my new work from Consequences to the block .
Friday, May 02, 2008
Cactus ET the story
Here is the story of Cactus ET as it travelled around the group.
It is interesting to see fairly constant colours almost throughout and the different ways we found to distort the images.
From the original cactus photograph, I copied it, applied a gradient map and blended the 2 layers using difference mode. I replaced all the blue tones with green and cropped a square from the part of the image I felt worked best.
If anyone else would like to share how they made the transformations, just send it in a comment.
Cactus LW - the story
It began as a cactus, moved through pop art to misty planets, dancing eggs or a string of beads, into a very surreal jelly mould and back to cactus colours and a neat, symetrical pattern, then reverted to the blues and purples and began to twirl. I wonder if we will be able to detect individual styles by the end of this exercise?
Cactus Consequences
Everyone had kept some sort of record of what they did and we followed one image around the group as it was transformed again and again. Whenever an image got to Erica it seemed to turn green! Chrissie was excellent at creating unusual shapes, Pat was in to pattern and Ros was keen to try out something new each time.
By listening and trying out peoples transformations on Ericas computer we all learnt things we did not know before. In fact I think we all had information overload as well!
Hopefully we will all post an image of the stages that transformed each one of our starting images into the end images that we received as they finished going around the group. Mine is still travelling at this point, but I hope to have the finished one back soon.
I am looking forward to the next one, Hilary has kindly supplied us all with another image to work on.
Thanks Erica for being our host this time, and thank you too for your origami skills!