Monday, December 12, 2011



We have been playing a new game recently entitled Choices where we all chose an image and uploaded it to Picasa web albums. We held a secret ballot and our favourite image was entitled Rickshaw, an image provided by Liz. In Round 1 we all worked on Rickshaw, altering it in some way using Photoshop Elements, and then uploaded the altered image to Picasa. In Round 2 we chose an image from Round 1 and worked on it and again uploaded it to Picasa. Rounds 3, 4 and 5 followed the same routine. We had instructions to avoid working on one particular person’s work and Liz gave us some pointers to follow such as to include text, circles, squares, the colour blue and to bear in mind the words transport, tropical, history etc. We made good use of the rickshaw of course and the windows and lanterns from the original image. It was nice to see the use of text and the subject lent itself to pattern making. Rickshaw Jenny and Rickshaw Lesley produced the most follow on images whereas Rickshaw Erica, Pat and Ros didn’t get off the starting block (must try harder!!). From the original image we produced 25 new designs.

I am attaching our starting image and my final image from Round 5. This had started originally as Jenny’s Rickshaw design and had been worked on by Jenny, Liz, Pat, Jenny again and then me. I struggled with Rounds 4 and 5 as the ideas in my head didn’t translate to the computer and in the back of my mind I was thinking “how would I make these into textiles”.

We start a new round of Choices in the new year. Watch this space!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

DOT On Show

Proof that we were there! This is the DOT stand just as we had finished putting it up. The work was selected from our recent Consequences Exhibition. Erica Thomson and Jenny King are on the left and our two consenting Mr DOTs Barry and Jim (helpful husbands wielding spirit levels, steps and hammers). DOTs aim was to open people’s eyes to what you can do using a computer as a design tool in textile work, whether it is simply printing an image on fabric or doing more complex things. Every piece of work on the stand was derived from something we did on the computer. All the wonderful members of DOT who manned the stand felt that we achieved our aim. You can just about see Liz Welch's Friendly Plastic masks, and work by Jenny King, Ros Willis, Erica Thomson, and Pat Roberts.

DOT’s group piece drew a lot of interest. It was based on a game of consequences (see earlier posts) using an image of an old mangle in the Millgate Museum at Newark. The hanging illustrated some of the very many different materials that can be printed on to at home. the other work in the picture is by Pat Roberts and Hilary Holden.

Mr DOT x2 in repose, worn out by all that levelling, measuring and hammering. On the wall is work from Lesley Fowell, Erica Thomson, Jenny King and Liz Welch. In the foreground are the two big books that tell the story behind the work with lots of step by steps of the computer transformations that took place to achieve the finished pieces.

Work for the original exhibition “Consequences” can be seen on a CD catalogues (£5) available from Liz (just email The CD contains more than 130 images including overall and close ups of every piece of work in the original exhibition plus work sheets describing the computer stages in developing each piece.

We hope you enjoyed viewing the work and meeting members, but most of all we hope we have inspired you to try your hand at making more of your computer in your creative lives.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just a quickie

Hello to everyone who has visited our stand at the NEC. I have mentioned our Picasa Web Albums to many visitors, suggesting they might like to take a look as we have loads of images which I'm sure will be of interest. Here is the link to our Picasa Web Album.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

DOT exhibit at the Fashion, Embroidery and Stitch Show

We really enjoyed meeting visitors at our recent exhibition, so much so that we decided that we would like to meet more of you, so....we will have a stand (ZP 21) at the Fashion Embroidery & Stitch show at the NEC Thu 24th - Sun 27th Mar 2011. Selected pieces of work from our recent ‘Consequences’ exhibition will be on display, along with much of the background computer work available to browse. There will be 2 or 3 of us there every day to chat with, so do come along to say hello.
Your ticket also includes entry to Sewing for Pleasure and Hobbycrafts.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Comments from the Visitors Book, Millgate Exhibition

Wow - what a display of techniques and such a high standard and beautiful results - Congratulations. CF

Stunning work! A feast for the eyes and food for thought! BS

Fascinating process and range of outcomes - so many different interpretations and media used. All so beautifully displayed in this space. JB

Excellent exhibition. Really enjoyed looking through all the books. Best exhibition I've been to. LW

So varied and vibrant. It's amazing how one idea can go so many different ways. MA

A very interesting concept. What a good use of 'technology' at last! KS

Wish I could get that creativity out of my computer! DH

A wonderfully stimulating display, using modern technology and embroidery skills that have passed down through generations of crafts people. WH

Truly amazing to see the process from the beginning through to the final piece. I wish I had such imagination - let alone computer skills.

Amazing pieces of art, so different and imaginative. Intriguing how different people's interpretations of 'things' turn out. Loved it. L